7 Cat Breed That Lives the Longest

Cat Breed That Lives the Longest

Cats are among the most cherished companions since forever. Knowing which cat breed that lives the longest is essential for pet lovers because it becomes deciding factor. Most cat’s lifespan varies depending on different factors like diet, lifestyle, and genetics yet there are some breeds that are recognized for their their longevity. So, let’s look at seven cat breeds that are known as cat breed with longest lifespan. We wish to ensure that you know about the excellent choices available so you can enjoy the companionship of your feline friend for many years.

1. Burmese Cat

Burmese cat is among the top choices in terms of cat breed that lives the longest. The breed is recognized for being social and friendly with everyone around them. These cats thrive in homes where people are involved in regular activities with them. Burmese cats lifespan is 18-25 years easily, especially when they are nurtured with healthy diet and enough exercises. The genetic makepup for this cat breed contributes to their longivity. The genetic structuring of them makes them a cat breed with the longest lifespan, so this one’s perfect for all cat lovers.

Burmese Cat
Image courtesy: https://www.zooplus.ie/magazine/cat/cat-breeds/burmese

2. Siamese Cat

Another known cat breed that lives the longest is the Siamese cats. These cats live for 15-20 years. They are recognized their striking blue eyes and distinct markings. Siamese cats are affectionate, vocal, and intelligent breed that can easily survive in households. This cat breed with longest lifespan require mental stimulation and regular interaction for better survival. With good environment and proper care, Siamese cats can live a healthier life during their senior years, while bringing happines, joy, and a touch of elegance to families they live with.

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Siamese Cat
Image courtesy: https://www.metlifepetinsurance.com/blog/breed-spotlights/breed-spotlight-the-siamese-cat/

3. Ragdoll Cat

Another cat breed with longest lifespan is the Ragdoll cat. These cats have got mesmerizing blue eyes and a gentle personality. They are considered beautiful cats, however they are more known for their longevity. Ragdoll cats have a life expectancy of 15-20 years. These cats are a popular choice among many families because they form strong bonds with the individuals and family members. With a balanced diet, roper grooming, and routine vet check-ups, Ragdolls enjoy an active and healthy life while becoming a cat breed that lives the longest.

Ragdoll Cat
Image courtesy: https://www.petplan.co.uk/pet-information/cat/breed/ragdoll/

4. Persian Cat

Persian cats are recognized as cat breed that lives the longest due to their calm demeanor and luxurious fur. These cats can easily survive from 15-20 years. Persian cats have long coats, therefore they need more grooming than others. They have gentle nature which makes them a lovely companion for their owners. It’s a fact that Persions are prone to respiratory issues so, they do need regular veterinary care for maintaining good health. They become cherished part of any household while being a cat breed with longest lifespan.

Persian Cat
Image courtesy: https://www.catster.com/cat-breeds/white-persian-cat/

5. Balinese Cat

Balinese cats are many times mistaken as long-haired Siamese but are among the most affectionate breeds of all time. This cat breed with longest lifespan have a longivity of 15-20 years and are known for their grace. Balinese are playful, intelligent and can form strong bonds with their owners. Being a cat breed that lives the longest, these cats love families that keep them mentally stimulated and active. With good care and attention, they become enduring companion.

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Balinese Cat
Image courtesy: https://www.petinsurance.com/healthzone/pet-breeds/cat-breeds/balinese/

6. Sphynx Cat

Known for their unique appearence and lack of fur, Sphynx cat is known for being a very healthy breed. This cat breed that lives the longest contributes to its longitivity. Sphynx cats life from 15-20 years easily. Thse are an affectionate cat breed that forms affectionate bonds with their owners. They enjoy becoming the center of attention in the households, keeping everyone around them engaged. A nutrient-rich diet and proper skin care is necessary for Sphynx cats, especially for maintaining their status as a cat breed with longest lifespan.

Sphynx Cat
Image courtesy: https://www.theguardian.com/

7. Russian Blue

Russian Blue cat is among the cat breed with longest lifespan because they have a life expectancy of 15-20 years. They are recognized for their gentle personality, short height, reserved nature, and silvery-blue coat. Russian Blues do not require much maintenance and are considered healthy cats. They become a perfect choice for people looking for a cat breed that lives the longest. They require balanced diet, good care and very prone to genetic health issues, therefore and easily to handle. This feline breed brings joy to the households for many years.

Russian Blue
Image courtesy: https://www.westhillvet.com/breed-month-russian-blue/

Tips for Increasing a Cat’s Lifespan

Regardless of breed, best methods for ensure that your cat lives a healthy long life are:

  • A balanced diet
  • Regular veterinary care
  • Exercise
  • Happy environment

Most of the cat breeds with longest lifespan are benefited from all of the above tricks. An attentive attentive and lots of love caters to their specific needs.

Picking up a cat breed that lives the longest ensures that the furry friend you bring home shall stay your companion for a longer period of time and shall also become an integral part of your family and life. So, you can now make a choice from all the above listed cat breeds that lives the longest and bring home a perfect feline companion to your family.

Also Read:  Top 10 Siamese Cat Facts You Have To Know!

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